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Catholic Book Publishers Association
Handouts from presentation


7 months before books are available...

  • Plan campaign schedule and strategy, getting input from marketing and sales depts.
  • Send author the A/Q
  • 6 months before publication date...

  • Send galleys to reviewers and religion writers at:
    - major national magazines (e.g. The New Republic, The Atlantic Monthly, Parade)
    - major television news shows (e.g. 60 Minutes, CNN)
    - trade journals (e.g. Publishers Weekly, Library Journal)
    - some newspapers (e.g. Boston Globe, L.A. Times)
    - influential people who might write an advance blurb for the book

    3 months before publication date...

  • Send galleys to reviewers and religion writers at:

  • - major news magazines (e.g. Time, Newsweek)
    - book review journals (e.g. New York Times Book Review)
    - major newspapers (e.g. San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Sun Times)
  • Request author's schedule for the first 3 months after pub date (to assess his/her availability for interviews and events)
  • 2 months before publication date...

  • Send review mailing to media contact list. If appropriate:

  • - divide media list into "A" and "B" tiers
    - send press kit + book to "A" list; press kit only to "B" list
    - create separate press materials for trade and religion media

    5 weeks before publication date (the "release" date)...

  • Books are released from warehouse and shipped to bookstores
  • 2 weeks before publication date (the "on sale" date)...

  • Books reach stores
  • Publication date

  • Target date for media coverage to hit
  • [back to Catholic Book Publishers Association]

    ©Copyright 1999 Julie Hathaway Keisman